What does a decrapified workplace look like?

If we decrapify work, what does the workplace look like? Some thoughts –

No Arseholes
No Bullshit

First assumptions about people:

  • have good intent
  • are trustworthy
  • deserve respect and to be treated with dignity
  • want to do good work
  • are capable of organising themselves
  • have unlimited potential


Self-organisation wherever possible – explicitly preferred to command-&-control
Autonomy over work – where, when, how, what, as as far as operationally possible
Constraints on flexibility reached through discussion and agreement
People can gather into crews and work on topics of their choice
Defined and agreed ‘work boundaries’ 


Info is available to all – ‘share first’ principle
Open and fair pay and promotion
Open, organisational-wide discussion of purpose, strategy, values and behaviours
Challenge encouraged from all – no-one too good not to be questioned, no issue ‘off the table’


Experimentation and play integrated into ways of working
Learning as a valued outcome
Focus on personal growth – the stewardship of the people


Async first
Minimal email
“On demand” info
IT that enables, not hinders

What are your thoughts?

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